10 Tips for Becoming First-Time Grandparents

Published on: 17 Jan 2025
Clinically Reviewed by Bisma Anwar, LMHC
10 Tips for Becoming First-Time Grandparents

Becoming a grandparent for the first time is a thrilling milestone. It’s your opportunity to witness the birth of a new generation while watching your own children take on one of the greatest roles they’ll ever have. 

While this new chapter is filled with joy, it can also be full of questions. It’s normal to have concerns about becoming a grandma or grandpa. You might be wondering — how can you support your adult child while developing a meaningful relationship with your grandchild?

Read on for practical tips for first-time grandparents that will help you step into this role with confidence, love, grace, and understanding. From respecting parenting boundaries to embracing modern trends, the strategies you’ll learn here will help you foster a healthy family dynamic and get the most out of this exciting new phase of life.

Essential Tips for First-Time Grandparents

Being a new grandparent is exciting and transformative. Yet, you may find yourself seeking guidance on how to build a loving connection with your new grandchild while supporting the new parents in whatever way they need. It can take time, but you’ll find your unique place within the family.

#1: Respect the parenting choices of your children

One of the most essential things every new grandparent should remember is to honor their adult children’s parenting choices. Every generation brings its own unique approach to raising children, and today’s parents may follow methods that are pretty different from what you used when you raised your own children. From feeding routines to screen time limits to sleep schedules, today’s parents have their own set of preferences. 

While it’s natural to want to offer advice, the key is to honor their decisions. Avoid openly questioning or suggesting alternatives, even if you’re unsure or have a different perspective. Instead, focus on offering encouragement and support—something every parent, no matter their style, will truly appreciate. Your positive reinforcement can go a long way in strengthening family bonds and helping parents feel confident in their choices.

#2: Offer support without overstepping

All parents remember the overwhelming early days, no matter how many years ago they were. Becoming a grandmother or grandfather offers you a unique opportunity to ease some of the burdens your children are experiencing with their new baby. The best help you can offer will be practical. Cooking meals, running errands, and babysitting so the new sleep-deprived parents can rest will not go unappreciated. Offering to assist with baby care, such as changing diapers or feeding, can be immensely helpful.

That said, be careful not to overstep. Acknowledge the new families’ need for space, and don’t be afraid to ask how you can be the most helpful. Try to take cues from their responses. Offering support on their terms earns you the role of a trusted ally rather than someone trying to take control.

#3: Build a strong bond with your grandchild

There’s a unique and irreplaceable bond between grandparents and grandchildren, one that begins from the very first moments and grows stronger with each interaction. Even the simplest gestures—rocking them to sleep, reading a picture book, or singing a lullaby—lay the foundation for a deep, lifelong connection.

As your grandchild grows from a young child to an adult, make it a priority to engage with them in meaningful ways. Whether you’re playing together, showing interest in their hobbies, or just spending time in each other’s company, these moments create lasting memories and strengthen your relationship. Your consistent presence and genuine affection not only nurture your bond but also play an essential role in their emotional and social development.

The love and support you offer as a grandparent can have a profound impact on their life—and yours. Cherish these moments as they form a connection you’ll both carry with you forever.

#4: Embrace your new role and let go of expectations

The grandparent experience can be unique, shaped by family dynamics, individual personalities, and the distance between where you are and where they live. Embrace your new role and be flexible with an open mind. Try to let go of preconceived notions you might have had about what grandparenthood would look like.

Some grandparents are deeply involved in everyday childcare, while others take on a distant role. Whatever your involvement, put your efforts into building a relationship that works for the family’s needs. It can be difficult, but try to let go of expectations and hold on to authentic, joyful experiences.

#5: Share family stories and traditions

One of the most meaningful gifts you can give your grandchild is a deep connection to their family heritage. By sharing traditions, telling stories about their parents’ childhood, and introducing them to cherished heirlooms and family recipes, you help them understand where they come from. These rituals not only foster a sense of belonging but also teach your grandchild about the rich history and values that have shaped your family over generations.

Family stories are also a wonderful way to reconnect with your adult children. Reminiscing about the early years of their own childhood can spark moments of shared nostalgia and strengthen the bond between you. Through these stories, you not only pass on your legacy but also create new memories to treasure for years to come.

#6: Learn about modern parenting trends

As a grandparent, you’ll quickly notice that parenting today can look quite different from how it was when you were raising your children. Today’s parents embrace a variety of philosophies and approaches, and understanding these shifts can help you support them in the best possible way. 

“Take time to explore today’s parenting methods and philosophies to better understand your children’s approach to raising their kids. This knowledge can foster harmony and reduce misunderstandings. Learning about modern parenting trends helps bridge generational gaps and strengthens family relationships by promoting mutual respect and understanding.”

Talkspace therapist Dr. Cynthia Catchings, LCSW-S

Whether it’s exploring attachment parenting, learning about baby-led weaning, or understanding positive discipline, staying informed about these modern parenting styles shows your willingness to embrace the new while respecting their choices. 

#7: Avoid giving unsolicited advice

It can be tempting to offer advice, especially when it comes to the challenges of parenting. Studies have found grandparents to be essential sources of support, particularly for first-time parents. However, they can also become a source of stress if their advice conflicts with what doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals tell new parents. 

Your experience as a parent is invaluable, but sharing it without being asked can feel intrusive. If you’re tempted to offer suggestions, pause and consider whether your advice aligns with your children’s parenting philosophy. The most supportive gesture is often just being there and listening or affirming their decisions.

#8: Be mindful of your language

While you shouldn’t feel like you’re walking on eggshells, try to remember that your words carry weight. New moms and dads are vulnerable and often sensitive and self-critical. Use your words to be positive and supportive when interacting with your child and their partner. 

Avoid making statements or comments that might appear overly critical or judgmental. Positive communication will build confidence in the new parents and help strengthen and develop your relationship with them.

#9: Set healthy boundaries for yourself

Becoming a new grandparent is one of life’s most fulfilling experiences. Still, it’s important to set healthy boundaries with your adult children to ensure you can fully enjoy your new role without feeling overwhelmed. It’s essential to assess how much time and energy you can realistically commit to helping out and then communicate your limits clearly.

“Balancing involvement with personal boundaries allows all those involved to stay energized and present without feeling overwhelmed. Prioritizing your time and energy ensures you can enjoy your role and contribute meaningfully without risking burnout.”

Talkspace therapist Dr. Cynthia Catchings, LCSW-S

For example, if there are times when you’re not available—whether it’s due to personal commitments or simply needing rest—let your children know when you can help.  By maintaining balance in your own life, you’ll be able to enjoy every moment with your grandchild to the fullest.

#10: Cherish and enjoy this new chapter

Grandparenthood is a precious gift—one that’s filled with unforgettable moments. Savor each and every one. The time you spend with your grandchild is fleeting, so embrace your new role with joy, gratitude, and a full heart.

Don’t stress about getting everything “perfect.” Instead, focus on being present and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re cradling your grandchild for the first time, witnessing their first steps, or watching them walk across the graduation stage, each milestone is a treasure. Cherish these moments, for they will stay with you and your grandchild forever.

Embracing the Joys of Grandparenthood

Grandparenthood is a beautiful and transformative experience, full of moments to treasure. Becoming a first-time grandparent is one of life’s most profound milestones, and it offers the chance to build an even deeper bond with your family. As you welcome this new role, embrace it with an open heart and a willingness to navigate the unique joys and challenges that come with it. Not only will you cultivate a meaningful connection with your grandchild, but you’ll also experience a new phase of your relationship with your children as they step into parenthood themselves.

Remember, no grandparent is perfect. Just like parents, it takes time, patience, and effort to find your footing. The most important tools you have are love, communication, and flexibility. Be patient with yourself and others as you grow into this role, and always make space for learning and adapting along the way.

If you ever find that you’re struggling with boundaries or family relationships, seeking support from a therapist can help you find balance and joy in this special chapter. Talkspace offers online therapy covered by Medicare, allowing you to get affordable and accessible therapy whenever and wherever you need it. Get started with therapy today to find the support you need as a new grandparent.


  1. Polomeno V. Perinatal Education and Grandparenting: Creating an interdependent family environment. Part I: Documenting the need. The Journal of Perinatal Education. 1999;8(2):28-38. doi:10.1624/105812499×87097. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3434714/. Accessed November 19, 2024.

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